Regional Organizations

The Women’s Centre is not only a place where women and children can access services and support, but also strives to be connected with other organizations that provide resources and learning opportunities for women and their families.

Vancouver Status of Women A Vancouver-based organization that works with women to ensure our full participation in the social, political and economic life of our communities in the profound belief that women’s self-determination is a crucial step towards a just and responsible society.

Vancouver Women’s Health Collective A Vancouver-based feminist collective that runs a resources centre related to all aspects of women’s health.

Golden Women’s Resource Centre A resource centre and shelter for women in Golden, BC.

Castlegar & District Community Service Society A multi-service, non-profit society that has been providing services to the residents of Castlegar and district since 1979, CDSS was incorporated as a non-profit, charitable society in February 1983. The mission of the organization is to improve the quality of people’s lives by providing assistance, counselling and support, and by working for social change in our communities.

Trail FAIR Society Trail FAIR (family and individual resource) Society has provided free, confidential services in the Greater Trail area for more than 40 years. They have grown to meet emerging needs in the community and now offer 19 programs delivered by more than 50 staff and volunteers in five service locations.