Formidable Female Feature

We are proud to be a part of such a vibrant community that has so many strong female leaders! The Nelson & District Women’s Centre has decided to pay tribute to the strong female leadership that enriches our community, both within the not-for-profit as well as business sector as success within every industry deserves acknowledgement and celebration.

Please read on to celebrate the success of Brittny Anderson!

Name: Brittny Anderson

Position: Member of the Legislative Assembly of British Columbia and the Premier’s Special Advisor on Youth

Question One: What drew you to run as the MLA?

I love my community and wanted to be a strong voice for the people of Nelson-Creston in Victoria. I loved the work I was able to do for my community while I was a Councilor for the City of Nelson and Director for the RDCK. When the opportunity to run to represent our riding at the provincial level arose, I saw it as a way to advocate for the concerns for my community, particularly around social justice, access to services and the environment.

Question Two: Have you faced bias or barriers in being a woman leader?

Women from all parties, including myself, are facing increased levels of intimidation, violence and harassment from people. This prevents women and people of diverse genders from considering leadership roles for fear of personal and family safety. No one, regardless of their position, should face fear of violence.

Question Three: What three qualities do women need to succeed as community leaders?

The qualities of a good leader have nothing to do with gender, but women and gender-diverse people are scrutinized far more closely and their missteps are blown out of proportion compared to a white man’s failure, and so dealing with that additional scrutiny is a necessary quality to be a leader.Women in leadership roles tend to be more empathetic which can have a positive impact on the people they work with, for and represent. Also, fundamentally women have a different lived experience. As leaders it is critical that we be brave, speak up and work towards a more equitable society.Beyond that, I believe that in my role as MLA it is my job is to listen to community members and advocate on their behalf in Victoria.

Question 4: What do you enjoy most about your work?

I enjoy when I am really able to make a difference and change people’s lives for the better in our region. On the Legislative review committee I have been able to suggest changes to upcoming Legislation, that was accepted by the Minister, I have been able to get increased funding and services in my communities, and I love continuing to connect with folks from across the riding with diverse interests and needs.

Question 5: What’s the best book you’ve read or film you’ve seen recently?

I have been really enjoying “Finding the Mother Tree: Discovering the Wisdom of the Forest” by local author and UBC Professor of Forest Ecology, Suzanne Simard.

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