420 Mill Street
British Columbia V1L4R9
Connect and create in our Women’s Art Therapy Group on Wednesdays from 1:30-3:30 at the Nelson Women’s Centre.
The group is run by a Kutenai Art Therapy Institute Intern. Self identified women ages 16+ are welcome.
The Women’s Centre Drop In is closed on Wednesdays. Please knock at the door or call 250-352-9916 and someone will come down to let you in.
Access info: The Nelson Women’s Centre has two entrances, one of which is accessed via stairs and one of which is accessed from a parking area down an accessible ramp with a railing. The entrance door has an automatic door opener though there is a lip into the building from outdoors. Once indoor, the first floor is all on one level and includes open kitchen, a wheelchair accessible bathroom and lounging/meeting space. Doors have lever handles for easier access. Though there is clearance in the large kitchen for maneuvering, the counter heights are standard 36″ and there is no wheelchair clearance below counter height. The dining table does offer leg clearance for functional working space. The second floor of the heritage house is accessed by a stair case only. The second floor houses staff offices and a smaller meeting space.
For accessibility inquiries, email info@nelsonwomenscentre.com