Nelson Women’s March

January 19, 2019 @ 11:00 am – 1:00 pm
Nelson City Hall
310 Ward Street

Who we are: We are women from Nelson, affiliated with Women’s March Canada, who recognize that there is no true peace, freedom, or inclusion without equality for all. Our guiding principals are as follows; Women’s rights are human rights, regardless of a woman’s race, ethnicity, religion, immigration status, sexual identity, gender expression, economic status, age or disability. We practice empathy with the intent to learn about the intersecting identities of each other.

What we are marching for: We all have different reasons for marching and we look forward to hearing from you all! This years #womenswave is focusing on ending violence against women, a crime that continues to affect woman across the globe. We are also interested in the protection of reproductive rights, LGBTQIA rights, equal pay, civil rights, disability rights, immigrant rights, Indigenous people’s rights, environmental justice, and affordable child care, among other things. We march for our rights in Nelson but also in Canada and even globally.

Who can come: This event is open to everyone, regardless of gender. We understand that, in order for women to truly have equality in this world, everyone must get involved!

Women from all over the world will be marching together on this day. Let’s show our support for one another, lift each other up, and MAKE SOME NOISE! Please feel free to make banners, posters & signs to show your support! The more the better!